It has been brought to our attention that a person is selling FAKE Yezzy sneakers on
They are pretending that the sneakers were originally purchased from us, they have even gone as far as to make FAKE receipts showing that they purchased them from us.
This activity is highly illegal and they have committed a number of offences under Irish and EU law. This is damaging to the sneaker industry in Ireland and damaging to our business. Our policy on counterfeit sneakers is very clear.
We are very proactive in this type of situation, we will report this to the Garda immediately, We will inform and request to have them remove the items from sale, we will be hiring a private investigator to find the culprit, in addition, we will apply for a court order through our company barrister to obtain the IP and other relevant details from via a request for information under section 8 of the data protection act to find the identity of this person or persons.
Details about scammer so far:
-They call themselves “SneakerDeck’
-They advertise on
-This is the link to their profile –
-Its shows they are ‘SMS verified’ so unless they are using a fake phone number we can trace them with the court order.
-They joined 15/12/22
-They sell FAKE Yezzys
-They say they are located in Stillorgan, Dublin.
We would like to thank the person that alerted us to this scammer, we will keep the community updated on the progress in finding this scammer. If anyone has any further details you can contact us with 100% confidentiality.
We ask anyone than is considering purchasing sneakers from the internet or private sellers advertising online to be aware that fake sneakers sellers are operating in Ireland. Swoosh only sells new and 100% authentic products. We do not sell, accept, or otherwise deal with fakes, “grey market” items, or factory variants. We guarantee the authenticity of every item we sell. Each of our products is authenticated in detail and with care to leave no doubt about its legitimacy.
If you are unsure about the authenticity of a pair of sneakers you can contact us directly and one of our expert team can provide some free advice anytime.